Pride, freedom, anger and empathy gather at the

Pride, freedom, anger and empathy gather at the dinner table.

“I find no happiness in my job. There is no end goal. People are stupid, and my work is not fulfilling.” says Anger.

Pride does what she does best – offering advice from the years of experience she’s clocked up.

Empathy knows that you can’t always take your definition and path to success and expect someone to conform to it, but remains quiet.

“You should do it my way,” Pride says, “but because it is noble to let you pursue your own happiness, I will let you.”

“But I don’t know what makes me happy,” Anger grunts.

Freedom wipes his upper lip, finishes the last bit of water, and makes his exit.

Empathy follows.


SIGH I’m having another bout of being annoyed with feeling lost. It’s been more than a year – I know, some people take years, and some people say, be patient… but it’s annoying! And the worst thing is, I don’t know how long this feeling is gonna last… and others around me seem to have found their footing in life, or at least know what they’re passionate about.

At this juncture, I’m pretty sure that dance is not going to be something I see myself pursuing as a career, so here’s a PSA; I’ll be cutting down on my classes at Celine Jessandra and only be teaching Girl’s Style on Friday nights, 8pm. As much as I enjoy teaching, I would like to spend more time honing other skills, trying other things, and taking others’ classes as well!